Greatest Memories - "Vinsanity at the 2000 Dunk Contest"
As you all know, the NBA All-star festivities took place this past Valentines weekend, bringing to memory one of the most exciting 30 minutes of my life: watching Vince Carter during the 2000 Dunk Contest. It was probably one in about 3 times my whole life when I've been completely frozen in awe, my mouth hanging open and my eyes all bulging. And you guys know I'm not one to easily show my emotions. I was one hell of a freaked out 15-year-old. You bet your ass I had a VHS tape in my ghetto tape recorder capturing every second, and I treasured that tape like it was gold. Watch the documentary below to understand why I will forever remember Vince Carter to be one of the greatest athletes/entertainers to ever live.
That is, of course, until Superman appeared on the scene in 2008...
Thank you Dwight Howard for making the dunk contest relevant again, and for reminding us what it's supposed to be about: showmanship, entertainment, and just plain old having fun. Bringing out the 12 foot hoop and the phone booth? I tip my hat to you sir, and thank God you've inspired Lebron to join the 2010 Dunk Contest. I can't wait to see him pull out the "3 lebrons" costumes and dunk while dressed up like an old man.
Carter probably had the best overall dunk contest, but for one dunk, the most difficult one I've ever seen live (i.e. not the Jordan/Wilkins of old) is J-Rich's in the '04 contest.
Carter probably had the best overall dunk contest, but for one dunk, the most difficult one I've ever seen live (i.e. not the Jordan/Wilkins of old) is J-Rich's in the '04 contest.